Sunday, May 20, 2012

Colfax Marathon

Yesterday my cousin Ron flew in from Connecticut to run the marathon with me. From the airport we went to the Mile High Stadium to pick up our race packets and sweet Colfax Marathon T-shirts! Then we headed over to REI to stock up on electrolyte Shot Blocks and protein bars. By that time we were starved so we headed over to the Vine Street pub for lunch. Taking full advantageof the oncoming athletic endeavor we had some great local beers to start carboloading, as well as loaded nachos (Clearly making sound nutritional choices).Then we dropped Ron’s suitcase as my apartment, and headed out for a quick siteseeing tour. First we tried to see Red Rocks, which has an amazing view, and the great amphitheater. But there was a concert there so we weren’t actually able to get into the park. Then we tried to go up to Lookout Mountain to seethe view from Buffalo Bill’s grave, but we made it to the entrance at around 7:10, in time to see the park workers locking the gates for the night. We took a scenic drive down the mountain into Golden and decided to go to Boulder to walk the Pearl Street Mall and watch some street performers. We found a performer who stood on the shoulders of two volunteers and juggled a hatchet, a knife, and a flaming baton. Then, needing to continue the carbo loading we went to the Cheesecake Factory to have peanutbuter cheesecake. For the protein of course. Scott the bartender chatted to us about running, marathons, and delicious dessert foods. He helped us discover my running mantra: “The faster you run, the sooner you’re done!” Which I did repeat to myself several times during the run today.

Today we woke up around 4:30, drank fruity/protein smoothies and walked to the park. It was a brisk morning. We jogged part way, sang motivational songs, like “Eye of the Tiger” and “The Sun’ll come out tomorrow.” We hummed the Superman theme song along with Pandora radio (Ron was wearing a Superman T-shirt), and got ourselves pumped up! When we found the starting line and made our way to Corral G (I don’t recall why I selected a pace of 16:00/mileas my projected time, but I did, so we started there). Eventually the run got underway, and we were off! Ron and I ran together for about 2 miles, until I lost him. It was a beautiful day, and after I pulled ahead of Ron I slowed down a bit, believing that he would eventually catch up. I kept looking back, but didn’t see him again until the finish line. I kept a pretty great pace, passing people, getting passed by people. For a while I kept passing two women wearing neon yellow, and hot pink running outfits. I never saw them pass me, but everyonce in a while I would pass them again, and wonder when they had passed me. I only stopped running and walked through water stops, and then I only slowed long enough to drink the water, and toss my cup, then I would pick up the pace again! The faster you run, the sooner you’re done!

The course included a lap around Mile High Stadium, circling around Sloan Lake, a couple cute Lakewood neighborhoods, as well as the length of Colfax. By the end I was moving as fast as I could, but felt like I must have looked like a penguin waddling for its life! I picked up some speed on the final uphill near the capitol building, and ran as fast as possible as I neared City Park, crossed the finish line, they announced my name, gave me a finishers medal, and pushed a water bottle into my hands as I slowly walked toward thebanana/bagel table. I grabbed a banana and bagel, and found myself a shady tree to sit under. Lowering myself to the ground took forever. Trying to stand backup took even longer! While waiting for Ron to arrive I alternated sitting and walking and called Liz to find my cheerleader! Eventually just as Liz arrived Ron crossed the finish line and we headed over to the pork sandwhich cart and beer garden where we painfully sat on the ground and rehashed the run. Eventually, when we felt able to move we started the long trek home. About halfway through the park, we had to take a break and lie down under a tree.When we had worked up the willpower to continue we continued our mosey out. On our way we stopped at the vine street pub, who was giving out pints to runners and had another round of nourishment (we got hummus too), and eventually set out again for home. The walk to the park that morning seemed much shorter! Eventually we made it home, and spent the rest of the day napping. Success!
Official Times:
Katie- 4:54:59 (2:20:41 at the halfway point)
Ron- 5:43:36 (2:56:39 at the halfway point)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

How I tried to fill 20 extra hours and my plan for the future

Well this week I made a solid effort to fill my 20 extra hours of free time. Just crossing things off my "To Do" List. Or at least starting them. I managed to make it to yoga three times this week. (And lets face 7pm is a terrible time to convince yourself that yo want to be in the gym). And I tried a spin class, which was 60 minutes of heart-pumping, sweat-dripping, wish-I'd-thought-to-bring-a-water-bottle exercise experience! I only went to that class once this week, because I'm supposed to be tapering off my exercise routine in preparation for Sunday's Marathon. Yep...2 days away. After this weekend I want to try to go to spin class more often. What a fantastic workout! I also started reading "Slow Fat Triathlete" which is hilarious, yet filled with some sound practical advise. Then I made an appointment at a local bike shop to get my bike tuned up.

And I went on a date. Two actually. With the same fella. Lets call him "Mr. S." Met online. Super nerdy. Like extra super nerdy. We met for a beer and talked about books and video games. It was only somewhat awkward. Which I like to think isn't only because I'm awkward, but because the whole concept of meeting strangers that you've read an online profile of, and then having a meeting in which you size up and judge the other person is an awkward experience by itself. That was Monday. Then Wednesday we met for mochas at the Buzz cafe and that was much less awkward.

I also found out that Metro State College of Denver offers American Sign Language classes, and I'm working on enrolling so I can take that in the fall.

My new favorite Iphone app is "Fitocracy" in which you log all the physical activity you do in a day (and you can count things like "walking up stairs" as exercise) and then at the end of the day it gives you "experience points" as if you were an RPG character in a video game, and then you gain levels. I'm currently at level 7!

Next up: Marathoning!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

One week until the Colfax Marathon!

Last weekend I took a last minute trip home. I came back on Monday and went back to work on Tuesday. This was my first week only working one job! And then we had network maintenance day on Friday- a day off so the computer systems and phones could undergo the quarterly maintenance. So after a three day weekend, I had a three day work week, and now I'm enjoying another three day weekend!

I'm still trying to figure out what to do with those extra 20 hours a week. I love being able to go to yoga in the evenings, so now I just have to figure out what to do with myself in between 3:30 and 7:00. If I go back to the apartment I just snack, but if I go to a coffee shop I just snack there too! Its too much time to spend the whole time at the gym, and I like being able to sit down and read for a while.

Yesterday I picked up my ALZ Stars tshirt from the Alzheimers Association (from fundraising for the Colfax Marathon, and met Michelle, their events coordinator. (I also picked up a sign and a cow bell so Liz can be super annoying while shes cheering for me at the Marathon). Michelle mentioned that the ALZ Stars partners with the Rattlesnake Triathalon (and I've been considering doing a tri for a while now). So I looked at it, and except for the swim, I know I can totally do it! I signed up for the Olympic distance (1500m swim | 40k bike | 10k run)! I know I can bike 24 miles, and run 6 which is why I chose the longer race...I'm just not sure if I'll survive the swim!

Yesterday morning Noel and I did the Ride for Reading to deliver books to an elementary school to promote literacy and bicycling/exercise. So we filled our Timbuk2 bags with books at the pickup site, biked a little less than 5 miles to Barrett Elementary school, and then participated in an assembly where the Tribella group (who organized the event) talked about the importance of reading, and exercising, and bike safety. Then we helped the kids pick out three books each to take home. We had so many books left over that we packed up the remainders and made a 2nd book drop to another nearby elementary school!

My day was filled with the things that I love: bicycles, books, and I even ate a burrito for lunch!