Monday, December 21, 2009

A Journal Entry Written with the Intention of Becoming a Blog Post

December 20th, 2009
The Terminal: Day 2
7:30 pm
O'Hare Airport. Hour: 23
Total hours logged at an airport (consecutively): 33 1/2

Nerd Confession: I've been playing Pokemon Platinum. I've logged nearly 17 hours. I feel deep shame.

When I discovered my Chicago-Hartford flight was canceled, and I would have to wait about 2 days for another flight I bought a nintendo dsi. And Pokemon Platinum. Honestly the only reason I chose the Pokemon game is because it was almost 20 dollars cheaper than Final Fantasy. And I was embarrassed. No regrets, but I'm 22 years old and still play Pokemon. SUCH A NERD!

So last night I was on the phone with Ryan, and he recommended that I purchase a gaming system. I confessed that I already did. "What game are you playing?" He inquired. "I'd rather not say." I demurred. A Brief Pause. "It's Pokemon, isn't it?" He conjectured. "Nooooo..." I lied. But he knew. I don't know how he knew. But he did.

And throughout the course of that past day and a half, while I've been stuck first at the Denver airport, then at O'Hare, Benn has been camped out at the Denver airport. Guess what he's been doing.

Playing Pokemon.

And answering my questions. I still have mad skills. Really nerdy skills I am deeply ashamed of.

Things I have eaten today:
- A whole wheat bagel & a cup of coffee
- a frozen yogurt milkshake that was trying to pass itself off as a strawberry/raspberry smoothie
- dried fruit & peanut "trail mix"
- a peppermint mocha

Molly thinks I'm going to have diarrhea. Actually I'm starting to think she might be right. GROSS

13 Hours until I can get on a plane. (13 Hours of fun)

My Airport to do list:
1. Stand up
2. Try to get the feeling back into my butt
3. Finish reading "The Two Towers"
4. Brush my teeth. Sans toothpaste :(
5. Ponder the meaning of life.
6. Lie down on the airport benches
7. Toss and turn on the airport benches
8. Put on a few more shirts to stave off the chill of the airport benches
9. Roll up a few t-shirts to create a pillow for my airport benches.
10. Give up on the airport benches

So flying near the holidays = ridiculous idea. What was I thinking?? (I should have hitchhiked). But I'm not the only one. I wasn't the only person "sleeping" on the benches. Every flight has a standby list. Planes are full. And the airport is crowded. Don't I love crowds of people?

Did I mention my butt has gone numb? Every once in a while I think it would be a good idea to stand up and take a stroll. I usually don't even complete a loop around this section of the terminal before I remember why that's a terrible idea. Not only is there no room to walk, I am burdened with these carry-ons, which I dare not leave because every ten minutes the loud speaker blares not to "leave your junk unattended or the airport cops will seize and destroy it." I may be paraphrasing.

I'm thinking about using the moving sidewalk as a treadmill. I suppose the best time would be at about 3am when this place is mostly devoid of human life. The only thing stopping me is the thought that security might want to throw me out. Which would be catastrophic after spending the last 24 hours in this interminable terminal of intermittent interests.

(I aspire to excellence at assonance and anticipate admirers of my antecedent alliterations approve of the application above, not abhor my attempts).

1 comment:

  1. While I do Admire your antecedent alliterations, we need to get you a better game than Pokemon Platinum. That having been said I love you veryy much and can't wait to see you soon. Also you are gorgeous, Love Ya!
