This week, starting yesterday, and continuing today we have been burning piles. As part of a fuels reduction effort we have been burning piles of wood cut down in years past. To burn the piles we take our drip torches, which are flaming containers of gasoline and diesel. Then we light the piles until they are a flaming mountain of heat smoke and flames (of course we are fully equipped, wearing our attractive nomex outfits, boots, and fire coats). Then after lighting several piles (usually 5 or 6 a piece) we go back to our piles and scrape the edges, throwing the outlaying logs into the flames. If the flames are too high you cant get close enough to do this, so you have to wait until the fire recedes to the center of the pile. Then after all the larger logs and sticks are in the center you scrape down the flammable materials still on the ground, such as twigs and pine needles, until the surrounding area is safe to leave and will not catch fire in your absence. Yesterday we burned 60 piles, and today we managed to burn 80! It was pretty exciting!
Right now I am sitting insdie "Wild Wings," a chicken wing hangout in Woodland Park. They had an open mic night tonight and Brendan came and did a standup routine. It was awesome. While most of the fare is fried meat products I did have a delightful meal of salad, and carrots and celery sticks. Ayla gave me such a disgusted look when I told her what I ate because Miss Vegan had fried mushrooms and french fries for dinner.
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