Monday, January 24, 2011

My life at a glance

Most of our project takes place at Olivewood Cemetery. This past week we cleared out alot of stumps and brush to make room for a new fence and to improve the road near the new entrance. After several days of landscaping we got a dumpster and took a half day filling it with the organic material (branches mostly) to be removed. We still have several piles to be removed and hopefully will be able to this week. We also have removed nearly 20 bags of trash from the site. The cemetery has more land overgrown and unable to be seen than it does area cleared. There is a big ravine created by runoff from the nearby warehouses which has created a hole that is opening graves. We were told to be careful and watch out for bodies that have become unearthed. I love being outside everyday and the work really makes me feel good. The very first day I think I impressed my team at how much of a beast I am. I would go off on my own and return every once in a while carrying a huge pile of trees that I cut down. No chainsaws either, just handsaws and loppers. Very physical. The hardest part for me is being the responsible adult in charge all the time. I'm always dealing with some kind of housing issue (cold showers, fridge not working, oven not working, etc) as well as being the worksite supervisor. It's been really draining. I love it though.

Sent from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Sounds really cool! I know you are working hard and it sounds like it has its stress points but know that I love you soooooo much and that I am glad that you are doing something you love! I know that you are amazing and will always work your hardest regardless of the rigors of the situation. Thats one of the many things I Love about you hun! Muuuuuaaaaahhhhh! (I know sappy!)

    P.S. Since when did you get an iPhone and can you use skype on it? I would really love to see you and I hope you would really love to see me!
