Thursday, June 2, 2011

Its a low kind of day

Ive never been around so much negativity in my life! These people just have bad attitudes about everything. Its really making me depressed. I used to be so optomistic. Or at least filled with positivity. Now even my private thought are full of negative instead of thinking "I like..." my thoughts tend toward "I hate" unstead of lists of highlights my thoughts are a countdown till the end. I'm just tired of constantly hearing "I dont like this" or "I wish I could change that." I dont understand why the CM's dont have a more positive attitude about work. Thus was most of their first choice project, the work is awesome (we've been demolishing a house) the area is beautiful, (warm and sunny nearly all the time) and the sponsor is great (they gave us 9,000 donuts for crying out loud!) Getting every one to actually do work is like pulling teeth. And Seeing everyone stand around with their negative attitudes is just stressing me out and making me wish this year was over. Wiah makes me incredible sad. I love this experience. Everyday is an adventure and interesting and I dont understand that everyone doesnt appreciate for such the gift that it is. It honestly makes me want to just get away. Im trying to take my vacation days to go to Denver and see Noel, but I honestly dont know if this team could handle being left alone for that long. I cant last 8 more weeks without a break from them though.

1 comment:

  1. Just remember what you said in a previous post love: "I'm recreating myself to be the person I want to be." Please don't let their negative attitude affect you, meditate and commune with God and let him guide your thoughts. Just think of this: every time I went to a dark place out here I thought of you and your indomitable and upbeat attitude. By channeling that I was able to get through some rough times. Love you!
