Alas our diorama came in 2nd place to the "Oh Peep, Where Art Thou?" Diorama which had a very detailed tableau of peeps in overalls on a stage. I personally liked the diorama that had a bunch of yellow bunny peeps sitting around a campfire roasting bits of a pink peep...
Yesterday I discovered that the "Zombies, Run!" Iphone app has been released, and by the time I got an itunes gift card and was ready to download it, the app was on sale for 50% off (still through this weekend I believe!) After spending hours backingup my iphone content so I could upgrade to iOS5 I managed to download the app, and restore all my music (except all my playlists have disappeared). So today after work I headed out to Wash Park to test out this App. The premise of it is, while you run the app tells a story in the background, with audio clips of speech playing in between the songs while you run. The story is set in a post apocalyptic world after a zombie uprising, and you are a runner for a human camp, out running through the unprotected area trying to gather supplies for the colony. As you run the story unfolds, and about every mile (by my guesstimate) the app tells you that zombies are chasing you, and you are forced to speed up, and sprint for a set time. It was pretty entertaining, and will definitely motivate me to do more interval training! Not only will I be prepared for the Colfax Marathon in May, but I may even survive the impending zombie apocalypse!
Yesterday I discovered that the "Zombies, Run!" Iphone app has been released, and by the time I got an itunes gift card and was ready to download it, the app was on sale for 50% off (still through this weekend I believe!) After spending hours backingup my iphone content so I could upgrade to iOS5 I managed to download the app, and restore all my music (except all my playlists have disappeared). So today after work I headed out to Wash Park to test out this App. The premise of it is, while you run the app tells a story in the background, with audio clips of speech playing in between the songs while you run. The story is set in a post apocalyptic world after a zombie uprising, and you are a runner for a human camp, out running through the unprotected area trying to gather supplies for the colony. As you run the story unfolds, and about every mile (by my guesstimate) the app tells you that zombies are chasing you, and you are forced to speed up, and sprint for a set time. It was pretty entertaining, and will definitely motivate me to do more interval training! Not only will I be prepared for the Colfax Marathon in May, but I may even survive the impending zombie apocalypse!
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