Thursday, September 16, 2010

super huge biceps and job excitement!

Yesterday I joined the YMCA. Today I tried their taekwondo class. Needless to say I now have somewhere to go after work on Mondays and Thursday. It was a really ego-boosting experience to be at that class. And I think I really impressed the other students. Yesterday I did the “Body Pump” class with some of the Americorps girls (which was a whole body weight lift class) and today my arms are super sore, but not much else.

Yesterday we were issued our government cell phones and laptops. I set up a very professional voice mail which says my name and that I’m a team leader and leave a message ect. (Nothing about dragons) however by my voice I sound about 8 years old. Oh well.

Today we learned about project work and our different duties while out on spike. Today made me really excited for this year. I cannot wait until we find our our projects, meet our teams, and get to work!!

1 comment:

  1. Its okay about the cell phone thing it makes you sound more cute sweetie (I know, bllllaarrrggg!). Its cool you got to do some upper body stuff, been trying that myself (along with some muscle rebuilder protein). I know I am a little behind in the times but you should post more often! I like hearing about the Americorp stuff you do love!

