Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Nerd Herd

Since the last post (nearly a month ago) much has occurred. I have not posted on the blog for various reason. I could not talk about my project in a public forum because until yesterday it was kept secret from the Corps Members. I couldn't really talk about Corps Members because 1. Confidentiality, and 2. We switched temporary teams every week. I will admit that for my last two temporary teams I did drop the teambuilding ball, because I no longer saw the point in teambuilding a team that ultimately would disband. However today I teambuilt the crap out of my CMs. I will talk about my CMs here, using names minimally, and often just referring to whole team activities.

First I will admit that I have the ultimate nerd herd. (Yasi's team is a close second, however in the Pokemon duel they have challenged my team to they will be destroyed). My team has the nerds. As a nerd myself this is not an offensive term. Nerds.

For our first round we are going to be a local team, working at the Garden Place Academy helping classroom teachers, and running an after school homework help. We will be tutoring students one-on-one, and possibly teaching larger lessons. After talking to my team yesterday and discussing our project, our team, our goals for the round and for the year and our viewpoints in general my team was so pumped and enthusiastic. I have never seen a team so pumped for a local project. I am so proud of my team and pumped that they are so awesome. I have been waking up early every day since teams were announced full of excitement and energy because my team is so great!

Today was our teambuilding day. It was fabulous. We spent time at the park we discussed dreams for the year, did a team charter, talked about service learning and set up a KWL (know, want to learn, learned) chart, and had a one-on-one conversation. For the one-on-ones I drifted from pair to pair as each teammate sat with a teammate they felt they knew the least and tried to find as many things in common as they could. During the year I want to have one-on-ones with all my CMs at least once per round, if not once per month. And at least this first round I want everyone on the team to have a one-on-one with everyone else. We also spray painted team t-shirts (Patrick sprayed his running shoes red). And Hannah got bit by a squirrel.

We went to Subway for lunch where we discussed our Project Prep Packet, and worked on filling it out to get ready for our brief on Tuesday. Not the most exciting thing to do, but now we do not have to worry about that Monday. Then we headed to the Denver Art Museum, which had free admission because it is the first Saturday of the month.

After returned to campus, and exchanging stories with the other TLs my CM, Corwin texted me to come over and play Munchkin. (Nerd alert). So a few of my nerds started our nerdy game night, and were quickly joined by nerds from other teams, and from other units. Now I've got nerds who want to be called for future games, and want me to arrange shuttles to nerdy game stores. (All of a sudden I'm a nerd girl socialite). Corwin wants to organize a Firefly RPG (role playing game). Yasi's team wants to fight my team in a pokemon battle, much of my team cant wait for the project round to start so I'll bring my super nintendo system over to their dorm, and I'm hoping that I've explained well enough that we cannot form a nerd clique and that we often will have game nights with non-nerd games like "Cranium" and "Bananagrams." Leave a comment if you have nerdy or non-nerdy suggestions for team and me.


  1. Katie,

    glad to hear you like your team and everyone is pumped about the project. Keep up the nerdiness and good luck in the upcoming year!

