Monday, December 21, 2009

A Journal Entry Written with the Intention of Becoming a Blog Post

December 20th, 2009
The Terminal: Day 2
7:30 pm
O'Hare Airport. Hour: 23
Total hours logged at an airport (consecutively): 33 1/2

Nerd Confession: I've been playing Pokemon Platinum. I've logged nearly 17 hours. I feel deep shame.

When I discovered my Chicago-Hartford flight was canceled, and I would have to wait about 2 days for another flight I bought a nintendo dsi. And Pokemon Platinum. Honestly the only reason I chose the Pokemon game is because it was almost 20 dollars cheaper than Final Fantasy. And I was embarrassed. No regrets, but I'm 22 years old and still play Pokemon. SUCH A NERD!

So last night I was on the phone with Ryan, and he recommended that I purchase a gaming system. I confessed that I already did. "What game are you playing?" He inquired. "I'd rather not say." I demurred. A Brief Pause. "It's Pokemon, isn't it?" He conjectured. "Nooooo..." I lied. But he knew. I don't know how he knew. But he did.

And throughout the course of that past day and a half, while I've been stuck first at the Denver airport, then at O'Hare, Benn has been camped out at the Denver airport. Guess what he's been doing.

Playing Pokemon.

And answering my questions. I still have mad skills. Really nerdy skills I am deeply ashamed of.

Things I have eaten today:
- A whole wheat bagel & a cup of coffee
- a frozen yogurt milkshake that was trying to pass itself off as a strawberry/raspberry smoothie
- dried fruit & peanut "trail mix"
- a peppermint mocha

Molly thinks I'm going to have diarrhea. Actually I'm starting to think she might be right. GROSS

13 Hours until I can get on a plane. (13 Hours of fun)

My Airport to do list:
1. Stand up
2. Try to get the feeling back into my butt
3. Finish reading "The Two Towers"
4. Brush my teeth. Sans toothpaste :(
5. Ponder the meaning of life.
6. Lie down on the airport benches
7. Toss and turn on the airport benches
8. Put on a few more shirts to stave off the chill of the airport benches
9. Roll up a few t-shirts to create a pillow for my airport benches.
10. Give up on the airport benches

So flying near the holidays = ridiculous idea. What was I thinking?? (I should have hitchhiked). But I'm not the only one. I wasn't the only person "sleeping" on the benches. Every flight has a standby list. Planes are full. And the airport is crowded. Don't I love crowds of people?

Did I mention my butt has gone numb? Every once in a while I think it would be a good idea to stand up and take a stroll. I usually don't even complete a loop around this section of the terminal before I remember why that's a terrible idea. Not only is there no room to walk, I am burdened with these carry-ons, which I dare not leave because every ten minutes the loud speaker blares not to "leave your junk unattended or the airport cops will seize and destroy it." I may be paraphrasing.

I'm thinking about using the moving sidewalk as a treadmill. I suppose the best time would be at about 3am when this place is mostly devoid of human life. The only thing stopping me is the thought that security might want to throw me out. Which would be catastrophic after spending the last 24 hours in this interminable terminal of intermittent interests.

(I aspire to excellence at assonance and anticipate admirers of my antecedent alliterations approve of the application above, not abhor my attempts).

Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday, day before travel

Saturday we did demolition. We knocked down walls, sheetrock, woodenslats, and ceilings with sledgehammers!!!!!!! It was amazing. I could feel my man status going through the roof! No lie...I'm at least 20% more manly after ripping a house apart! It was freaking awesome!!

Sunday a few of us served as dossets for the Holiday Homes Tour. We stood in rich mansions as people toured the homes and checked out the lifestyles of the rich and moderately well known. The house I was at was pretty cool, they had a mardi gras themes room with a mardi gras Christmas tree becuase the gentleman of the house was the 2009 Rex (King of Carnival). The whole house was super clean and well decorated, which makes me wonder what the house looks like when it is being actively lived in, and not seen by the local population.

Today we are cleaning up our house, and getting ready for travel. I'm excited to get home for Christmas. I'm excited to sleep in my own bed. I'm excited to sleep in a room without 5 other people in it. I can't wait to bake Christmas cookies, and see my family and friends. So thats it. The end of Round 1.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


The following is the blog I also posted on the team site. It bears repeating for anyone who only reads my blog. However if you would like to follow the teams' blog the site is: www.

Yesterday Marshall and Clay took me capping (recruiting) with them. On the way to Cabrini High School I mentioned that it might be a Catholic school, because Cabrini is a Saint's name. I also mentioned that I went to a Catholic High School (al girls). So needless to say my male companions were interested in my tales of an girls only school, and the supposed shenanigans we were up to. We got to Cabrini, and discovered it was in fact a Catholic School. And that only girls attend. So we set up our table, put out the Americorps NCCC pamphlets, were looking sharp in our black and whites, and ready to tell people about the amazing job that we have. And don't get me wrong I warned Clay and Marshall. When we discovered it was all girls I said, "Now, because you are male, the entire school population knew the moment you walked on campus. That sort of news spreads like wildfire." Of course they didn't believe me. I tried to convice them. At one point Clay turned to me and said "Do you mean to tell me that 100 girls are checking me out right now?" THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS SAYING! He still didn't believe me. Then a girl walked over. We were all excited...its time to spread the word about Americorps! And she asked "Will you go over and hug my friend and tell her 'Merry Christmas?' And we look over the her table where a gaggle of girls were giggling like school girls.
I told you so.
Capping was a good experience. We did talk to several girls at lunchtime, handed out information, and answered questions. After lunch we had a private dialogue with one girl who already applied, and was waiting for her phone interview. We talked to her for a while, answering her questions and telling her about life in Americorps.
However seeing Clay asked to hug a girl was probably the highlight of my day. Maybe the highlight of me week. And being at Cabrini was like being back at SHA.
I enjoyed it.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Yay for the Internet!

I finally made it back to the green house to check the internet. (Good thing too, becuase my library books are due today!).
Today was an awsome day. Clay, Liz, Benn, Bart, Alex and I were at a new house today installing hardwood floors. I got to use many many power tools YAY! (Nail gun, table saw, chop know all things awesome!) We may possibly go back tomorrow. The History Channel is definetly going to be there...but even if my team doesnt go there, everyone should watch for that house on the History Channel.
Yesterday Marshall told me I was the manliest girl he ever met (except for a lesbian who had man parts). It was the nicest thing he ever said to me...Marshall if you ever read this...thanks.
Thanksgiving was alot of fun. We had Water1 and Water4 over for dinner, and everyone brought amazing food. Like vegan green bean cassarole, and sweet potato pie. I made a turkey, and Benn helped me to create 7 apple pies that were our teams contribution.
The morning of Thanksgiving we did as ISP at the Turkey Trot, a race to benefit Spinal Bifida. After wards the woman in charge gave us a box of leftover bananas. AWESOME!! So for a while our kitchen looked like a place Donkey Kong would consider home. After it became clear that we would never be able to consume enough bananas before they went bad I started making banana bread. Three the first night, another huge one last night. When Clay asked what was in them I told him love. Jeremy promptly responded, "Where did you get that...we know you dont have any." Secretly I've been siphoning off everyone elses love, and storing it in the cold empty pit that used to house my soul. At least, thats what I told Jeremy. Hilarious.
This weekend we did more ISPs with Hands on New Orleans. We were working on building a walkway for a community garden. It was two awesome days of digging in the dirt, and hauling bricks around. I'm glad to say I', now halfway done with the 80 required ISP hours!
This weekend I also took advantage of the opportunity to explore the New Orleans nightlife, including Burbon Street, and Frenchmen Street. Walking around is an awesome sight to see. The streets are packed, and with the plethora of NCCCs in the NO area we ran into several of our friends we haven't seen since CTI.

Monday, November 23, 2009

New Orleans Week 1 at a Glance

I'm in New Orleans! (ok I've been here for a week, but yesterday my brother asked me "how is Texas?"). My team, along with Water 1, has been working with Rebuilding together, restoring houses. Rebuilding Together restores houses for elderly, disabled, impoverished, and first responders. The team is split between two houses, and the Salvage Store. At the two houses we are painting, scraping paint, glazing, and assorted other tasks. This past weekend we did ISPs on Saturday and Sunday with "Hands on New Orleans," a non-profit created after Katrina to facilitatte the rebuilding efforts. Saturday we helped repair and clean a house for a woman who will be able to move back in in time for Thanksgiving. And on Sunday we helped a man paint his house. It was amazing to see the whole team descend upon the project and effect a transformation in just a few hours. Saturday into Sunday was also a 42 hour draw-a-thon fundraiser sponsered by the "Green Project" a local recycling center that benefits the arts. Benn and I went when it opened, 6:30 am Saturday, and it was just being set up, so we helped out, and got snazzy blue volunteer t-shirts! Then we did some drawing. We participated in the monster battle drawing, where Benn drew Chameleon Robot Bunnies, and I drew Jeremy. Then our monsters fought a battle (which we drew out). Jeremy (and his minions aka us) totally decimated Benn's creations. Then we had to leave for our teams activities. However we went back after dinner and stayed up drawing until 2:30. We met the coolest kid named KT, who informed us that he could fight 1,000 rhinocerouses, and that the name Bart sounds like "fart." But KT and his mom left when it was time for the nude modelling to start. Alas. Around 2:00 Benn started falling asleep, so I took us home...we were planning on staying the whole time, but it was not to be.

We've also gone into the French Quarter. We browsed in the shops, checked out some local restaurants, and had coffee au lait at the Cafe DuMonde. This weekend while Benn and I were at the draw-a-thon most of the team met up with other teams on Burbon street. From what they can remember it sounds like a fun time.

Anyway, this week is going to be a short work week because of Thanksgiving. Our team, Water1 and Water4 are having a Thanksgiving feast/celebration, and I am super excited!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Amarillo Texas

I think the MOST hilarious thing I have ever done is to try and teach some of my teammates to play Star Munchkin. Before we left Ben bought Star Munchkin, so after dinner we sat down to play, along with Bart...all veterans to the game. And then Josh, Alex and Brendan wanted to learn as well. So we were teaching them when Jeremy came in, looked intrigued, and requested to join the game. Then he mandated that all the team members join in. First of all it is a CONFUSING game! So we explained it. "You are a monster hunter. The goal is to be the first player to reach level 10. You go up levels if you defeat a monster. You fight a monster on your turn after you kick down a door and a monster appears. If you dont draw a monster or a trap on your turn you can either play a monster from your hand or loot the room (by drawing another card). You can defeat a monster if your level is higher than its. Your level is your actual level plus all your bonuses. Your level must be higher to defeat it." I think my personal highlight is hearing Jeremy angrily declare "I want to kick down a door!" But it was hilarious to try to explain this game to non-nerd types. Even as he was winning the game Josh was declaring "This game is wierd" and "I don't know what's going on."
Last night we stayed in Amarillo, Texas. After our long drive we had an epid game of munchkin, and then Brendan taught us how to play Mafia. The drive yesterday was very enjoyable. We had purchased as Itrip, so we could play our ipods. I feel like this trip is nonstop fun. People are always laughing. Its just the most enjoyable atmosphere to be in. Can't wait for another 8 hour drive today! (Just a little sarcastic).

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pack Test

Today everyone in fire management took the pack test! We passed! We had to WALK three miles, carrying 45 pounds, in under 45 minutes. No lie: it was tough. I finished in 39:43. Whew. And then during lunch we met our supervisor, Russ, for our final three projects. We will be working on Pikes Peak! Its apparently near Lake George, and is the most awesome mountain ever. EXCITEMENT!

Here is the link to my team's group blog. If you like reading my blog, you may enjoy a different perspective:

Yesterday my team did an ISP with Project Angel Heart. This is a non-profit group that delivers meals to people with terminal illnesses. My team stuffed envelopes, which the group was very grateful for, and we learned about the organization. It seems like a great organization, and I hope we can spend more time doing community service with them, maybe during a transition week?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Going to New Orleans!

For the first round of Spike projects my team (all of whom are awesome!!) are going to New Orleans!!! YAY! We are going to be working with Rebuilding Together. I want to hammer stuff! And then when we return to campus in January my team will be staying in Colorado and working with the Forest Services doing Fire Management. Until then we will be doing super Hardcore PT with Jeremy, our team leader. Jeremy is so tough he eats evil for breakfast. I'm sure he rolls out of bed, and does a million Jeremy Jacks (this exercise he tortures us with) and then sits down to a big bowl of Evil O's. Our team name is the Woodland Warriors (good job picking a sweet name, Jeremy). And today we are doing team building all day with our permanent teams (of which, mine is awesome, did I mention?)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I remember over the summer I was really jealous of Ryan's nerd friends. I wanted my own nerdy friends. Friends that I could share nerd conversations with...and make references that would not only be understood, but would be an inside joke that you need to have a similar knowledge base to understand. Now don't get me wrong. I love my friends. They're all amazing. But, we can't talk about dragon books, nerd TV shows like Buffy, Firefly, Heroes etc., or nerd games (Munchkin, Pokemon etc.)
I have nerd friends now.
Last night was the second night we stayed up late playing Munchkin. And Ben O, had nerd songs playing on his itouch...including the Firefly theme song. And yesterday we went on an epic nerd quest to find the mythical game/comic shop in downtown Boulder. While our quest was epic, it was ultimately a failure. Something so nerdy was beyond our grasp. Alas.

These epic Munchkin nights have been amazing. Nerd references all over the place (I can kill you with my brain). I don't know when I've ever been this comfortable with a group of people. Also nerd vocabulary is superior to that of normal human beings. Ben B. fist bumped me for excellent use of the word "dastardly." (And the nerdy reference to "The Dastard" By Piers Anthony). The way he plays Munchkin can only be described as dastardly.

I'm really glad that every t-shirt I brought with me (3) are nerd shirts. And that Jena, the best roommate on the face of the planet, sent me the coolest shirt in existence. Can you say karate dragons? Jenna also sends an awesome care package. I cant wait to get cut up so I can use the Spiderman bandaids...I may just pretend to have wounds and wear them anyway.

Today we are learning about Shelter Management. We just had an interesting class, where we discussed how to set up a shelter during a disaster. I feel like this may be the most useful thing we've done so far. I can't wait to actually start our community service and use what we are learning!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

CTI in Denver-End of week 2

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Greetings from Denver. I'm here at the Englewood Public Library...looking at Dragon Books. You know the kind of books where the authors name is written in a bigger font than the title, and the cover art either displays a menacing dragon or a man-hero with a sword.
Today we have a day of from Americorps NCCC training. I didn't manage to get an ISP today, so I'm not doing any work. :(
Last week my group went to the Butterfly Pavilion and did community service working at their Buggaboo Festival. We assisted with various activities for the children of the community who came in their costumes, and learned about the different bugs. My favorite attraction was Rosie, the tarantula. I definetly got to hold Rosie. She was fuzzy. It was a fun day working with the kids, and I'm bummed I didn't find anything to do today.
Last night was the campus Halloween Party. Using a black t-shirt and duct tape I made a ninja costume. The party was awesome. It was fun to see people dressed in their finest creations including pirates, H1N1, girl scout, boy scout (both worn by males), hippies, a LOLcat-burglar, farmers, lumberjacks, ghostbusters, backpacks and assorted other costumes created using a limited budget and the materials on hand. Along with the Americorps members students from Colorado Heights University were there. I saw FIVE of them at the entrance. Thats two more than I have ever seen here before!!! THEY DO EXIST!
I can't wait for another fun week of training. In five days we get to find out our permanent teams!