Sunday, February 23, 2014


Yesterday we finished the house on Alleghany we’ve been working on. This house needed a large portion of the floor replaced. Termites had eaten about 17 floor joists and the band under the house causing the kitchen and bathroom to start caving in. The walls also had asbestos and had to be removed. We had a lot of volunteer groups come in to work on this project, spontaneous volunteers, the Wednesday and Thursday crews, a volunteer Meetup group, and a group of Hands on Charlotte. I’m super excited to have gotten to meet all these cool volunteers who came out to make a difference in their community. I weatherized the house with Liz from the meetup group and as we were installing the vapor barrier under the house she told me about the running group. It turns out she’s the run leader for the local Thursday night run I’ve been meaning to go to. Now that I know someone who will be there, the thought of attending a Meetup is a lot less intimidating! The group from Hands on Charlotte worked with us yesterday to paint the house and do the final cleanup. They went above and beyond, painting way more than expected, helping us dig a trench, caulk, clean, and they finished everything on the list by noon! When I first moved to Charlotte I went to the Hands on Charlotte new volunteer orientation, but I haven’t found any volunteer opportunities that appealed to me, fit in my schedule, and that I could get to. But working with this group renewed my interest, so I’ll keep looking, and hopefully find something this Spring!

The kitchen floor before
The kitchen after! New floor, walls, cabinets, and light fixtures!